Ferny y su mágico requinto
Reseña artística
Desde su temprana edad se inició como cantante en la música folclórica de su país Argentina. Por el cual le permitió rodearse con distintos artistas consagrados y actuar en grandes festivales.
Siguiendo su camino por la música, ya en su adolescencia deja su guitarra para ejecutar quien es hoy su compañero idóneo sobre los escenarios, su inst[...]
Los Ceibales
Conjunto Vocal que mantiene el canto tradicional de nuestro folklore argentino, se forman en el año 2001 en la provincia de Salta y comienza su camino con gran apoyo por parte del público, convirtiéndose en uno de los grupos tradicionales de mayor convocatoria dentro de la provincia.
Con el tiempo comienza a transitar los distintos festivales de nuestro país y en el año 2011[...]
Tino & Susan
Constantino Bastidas and Susan Reynolds, founders of Tiempo de Tango, are known throughout the Washington metropolitan area for the style and passion of their Argentine tango. Their choreography and performance in the 1997 Library of Congress presentation “The Golden Age of Tango” marked the beginning of their collaboration. Over the past few years Tiempo de Tango has appe[...]
Roberto Leiva: Cantante de tango
Nacionalidad: Argentina
Profesión: cantante
Género: tango
Trabajos realizados:
Se inicio participando en festivales y shows, trabajando para la productora AB producciones, en el año 1988, compartió escenario con figuras como, Roberto Goyeneche, Hector Pacheco, Hugo Marcel, Enrique Dumas, Serio Denis, etc. Integró las orquestas de: Orquesta símbolo de A[...]
Cristian Pérez
Cristian Perez is a guitarist born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since he moved to the United States in 2002, he has obtained both a B.M. and M.M. from George Mason University with concentrations in both Classical Guitar Performance and Jazz Studies. He has had the privilege of being mentored by respected musicians of diverse styles (such as Berta Rojas, Rick Whitehe[...]
Carlos Gutierrez & Camilla
Carlos Gutierrez , Tango Instructor, Performer, Choreographer, &Author has been professionally teaching and performing Argentine tango over thirty years in the Washington DC area and around the world. He is also the author of "The Body Language of Dance", "Wisdom In Action" and his forthcoming book "You Are not Here Alone In this Universe" this 2013!!
Cantoral Tr3s
Cantoral Tr3s Argentine & Latin-American Folklore are composed of Osvaldo Aquino (vocal and percussion), Baby Agüero (lead vocals and guitar) and Raúl Duran (vocals and guitar). They have had great performances in the DC Festival, Argentine Festival of Virginia, Tango and Folklore Festival at the Olney Theatre Center in Maryland. In addition, a very special performance in [...]
Patricio Lizarraga
Patricio comes from a family of dancers. Both his father and mother have paved the way for many dancers here in the dmv area and their son was one of them. Being exposed to the arts at a very early age Patricio became qualified to teach at the age of 14. Specializing in all latin dances. As time went by and he matured as a dancer and instructor so did his love for the tan[...]
Le Manch es un banda que fusiona el rock alternativo con los estilos musicales latinos. Fue formada en el 2011 en Washington, DC, donde actualmente está basada. La banda ha tocado en distintos lugares en el área metropolitana de Washington, incluyendo el Festival del Cinco de Mayo y el Festival Latino de Baltimore, el Fillmore Silver Spring donde abrió para Miguel Mateos, y en clubes grandes y[...]
Salvatore: artista y cantante internacional, Finalista del Festival OTI 1987 en Washington DC
Contrataciones 202 834-9663